The 6-Month Mastermind & Personal Consulting Experience For Coaches, Creatives & Consultants Scaling to $500k – $1M.
Hosted by Your Personal Strategist: Ellie Swift
I’ve scaled my business to 7 figures, created true financial AND time freedom, and helped so many of my clients do the same.
If that’s what you want in your business, keep reading…
You’re currently at a point in your business where you’ve built to 6 figures, but one of two things in happening:
1) YOU’RE WORKING FAR TOO HARD, spending all day on calls, and serving your people to the point of exhaustion. You know you need to scale your business – whether it’s through a group program, mastermind, agency, course or revenue-share model – but you keep putting it off because you still hold the belief that scaling your business means you have to spend MORE time that – right now – you simply don’t have. You want to scale, but you don’t know where to start, have the brain space. tofigure. itout on your own, and what levers to pull to make it happen (pricing? New offer? More team?)
2) YOU’VE BECOME AN EXPERT AT YOUR CRAFT, and you’re building the mentorship arm of your work. You’ve built something you’re truly proud of, and get asked all the time ‘how did you do it?’ You know you’re ready to expand this arm of your business, but you don’t know how to do so in a way that’s streamlined, systemised and gets results for your clients AND your own business.
When you think of your endgame, you know you’re in this for the long haul. But right now? This isn’t it. You want more time to spend with your kids, to travel and to live your life beyond the computer screen. What’s more, you know the impact and franky, income, you’re meant to make isn’t going to happen with your current model of business.


Through personalised strategy and a group of expanders alongside you, we scale your business to the multi 6 or 7 figure dream you’ve always wanted, in a way that favours profitability, time freedom and exceptional client results.
Because here’s what I know about you:
You’re fiercely protective of your body of work and how you serve your clients. You won’t even consider scaling if it means your clients aren’t going to experience a service that’s delivered at 110%. You also love your work – you’re good at it, you aren’t afraid of committing to it, and you’re lit up by continuing to grow.
And; You care about time freedom because you value your life as well as your business. You didn’t get into entrepreneurship because you’re running away from anything. In fact, you have a truly wonderful life and value your family and friends (and run from business leaders who tell you that to scale a business is to make big sacrifices in your family).
And somewhere along the way, you:
Got so good at what you do, that you devoted far more time to 1:1 delivery than you care to admit.
Became disenchanted by the ways you’ve tried to grow already: whether it’s in the form of the wrong hire, a launch that didn’t go as planned or marketing that didn’t attract your dream clients. You’re trapped in wanting to keep making what you’re making but feel trapped in wanting to scale too – there’s a tension building here that you’re ready to move beyond.
You know that what got you here, won’t get you there.
You need a personalised strategy for scale with consistent deep support, a sisterhood of women in it with you, and a coach who has done this herself.
But I want to stop you for just a moment and tell you this:
The Scalable Freedom Mastermind is NOT for everyone.
In fact, I only work with 30-40 people per year as coach and strategist, and I’m very particular about who comes into this space.
So with that in mind,
The Scalable Freedom Mastermind IS For You If:
You’re already earning $10k+ months and want to keep scaling to $200k – $1M yearly revenue as your next level.
You’re a discerning business owner who wants to build a sophisticated brand that lasts.
You’re beyond proud of the success you’ve created, but you know there’s so much more to come. You want to build a scalable offer, create consistent recurring revenue and prioritise a model with far more spaciousness (both as it pertains to profitability AND time!)
You’re committed to being a thought leader in your field, and ready to own that title fully so that you can evolve beyond the tipping point and generate a consistent stream of clients your way.
You know the way forward is with a rock-solid micro team and consistent systems. You’re ready to double down on your operations so that you can be the CEO you’ve always wanted to be.
You have a big vision and mission that extends beyond getting rich. You know you can build a business that generates amazing money, AND a life of freedom, choice, enriching experiences, giving back and so much more. It’s time for abundance like never before.

Working with me as your Personal Strategist, here’s what we do at a high level.
Step 1: Strategise
You receive an onboarding form that helps me to do a review of your existing business and how we can intentionally help you scale. You won’t be categorised by your business model, or astrology or Human design – I support you for what YOU want in your business and life, and help you reach that through smart strategy, marketing and mindset (The Scalable Freedom Method™). Imagine having the space and time and support to actually know you’re being strategic and not just spinning your wheels.
Step 2: Succeed
We create your Success Plan together. In other words, we determine what you need to implement to scale your business and you get to work. This looks like you and I having an initial 1:1 call, and me then sharing a bespoke Success Plan doc of activities – both one-offs and ongoing – to grow your business. We focus on the priorities and tasks that actually work, rather than a laundry list of actions. Imagine knowing the steps to take and having them strategically laid out for you.
Step 3: Scale
You and I work together, hand in hand every step of the way (as well as with my small team of experts, who I’ll get to in just a moment). That means you consult with us daily to get your questions answered and the ongoing support you most need to achieve your goals. Imagine knowing you have a team of experts at your disposal daily. No more guessing, figuring it out on your own, or ignoring it all together because you’re too busy. We’re here everyday to make sure you’re moving towards the result you want.

I launched two new offerings I hadn’t planned to. One that’s now bringing in 10k months alone.
I’ve grown so much as both a business owner and just human in the last 6 months. The 6 months has literally felt like 5 years of growth jam packed in.
Ellie is highly intuitive and unconditionally supportive. She is such a powerful coach and has the most incredible presence.
This mastermind has honestly been one of the most expansive, transformational periods of my life. I launched programs I wasn’t planning to and have found new and exciting ways to serve my community more deeply.
The best part – all of the shifts and realisations have led me to a point now where I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and feel so deeply fulfilled and excited about what lies ahead.

I really wanted to work with Ellie because I knew she would really be able to coach me on my marketing strategy and messaging, something I’ve been looking for and not getting great results with up until now
I generated a 5-figure mastermind launch, brand new lead magnet and sales funnel for my business, and SO much great content [from direct support around my messaging and how I titled pieces].
I have so much more self trust than I did going in [even though I felt I was in a good place when I joined!] I also feel more confident that I know what I’m doing and I have everything I need to continue to grow this business.
I made a great effort to reach out to members of the community and have 1:1s and collabs. This was hugely supportive for me, and I made incredible friends.
I was blown away by Ellie’s brain and how quickly she came up with amazing ideas for my business. I could literally talk to her all day, she’s just an absolute gem and brilliant…so brilliant. I have gained SO much from being part of this program, and I can’t wait to be back again soon. Love you!!!

I have been in many many business programs, but this one was different! I was so impressed with the attention, care, energy and investment that Ellie and her team had in the participants. She had great strategic input, creative ideas and endless empathy for us. She believed in us so we could believe in ourselves but more than that she inspired us to action to get results! I am so grateful to be in this container.
I had a successful $45K launch, and created a new twist to my signature mastermind offer.
The best thing about working with Ellie and her team is their strategic knowledge, their openness to provide advice on the business model and life you desire, their accessibility, their responsiveness, and their energy.
I loved coaching with Ellie, the Slack channel, and the immediate feedback from Ellie and her team.
And here’s the support specifics:
2 x 90 Minute Group Coaching Calls With Me (Ellie) Every Month in Pods of 8 or less.
This is your opportunity to share where you’re at and receive hot-seat coaching from me on the exact personalised steps to move forward next. We’ll cover everything from marketing, strategy, mindset, launching, soulful sales, and so much more. You’ll also learn from your incredible Mastermind sisters – their wins, action steps and strategies recommended for their businesses. The impact of these group sessions? Powerful beyond measure. Another thing to mention: this is a GUARANTEED hotseat (not like other programs). Everyone on the call is coached 1:1.

Daily Coaching in a Group Slack Channel
This Slack channel is the most active and ongoing I’ve seen in any space I’ve ever been. We’re in with you daily Mon – Fri to answer questions, make bespoke recommendations, provide messaging guidance, real time sales and launch advice, and anything else that comes up for you that day in your business.
Monthly Messaging & Sales Labs with Me (Ellie)
A Live call where I take you through either a Messaging Lab or a Sales Lab. These sessions provide you with messaging and scripting to support your marketing (content) and sales (converting).
2 x 60 min 1:1 Coaching Calls With Me (Ellie)
To set your 90 day goals and define your bespoke strategy, you’ll receive 2 x 60 min 1:1 calls with me across the mastermind.
4 x 50 min 1:1 calls with co-coach, Nivek Harrison
OBM of Swift Ventures and The Scalable Freedom Mastermind Co-Coach. For the bespoke, personalised support that is unique to you and your business. You’ll be coached by one of my incredible 6 Figure Support Coaches who teach and coach on all aspects of the Scalable Freedom™ Method
A Half Day Virtual Retreat Experience
A virtual day retreat to go all in and create an opportunity for a full business immersion (with the uplevels to match!)
Your Copy Reviewed Weekly
Got a sales page you’re not sure about? A new funnel? My team review your content for you 1 day per week to ensure it hits the mark for your unique target audience.
A Community of Likeminded, Incredible Women
(Priceless, and Game-changing Beyond Measure)
This mastermind experience is so much more than just having me in your business and learning from me. It’s also about the incredible women you will have in your corner with you to learn from, cheer you on and share your experiences with.
Scalable Freedom Resource Library
You’ll receive 12 months access to my upgraded multi 6 and 7 figure training vault, including hours of business-building content, resources to scale your business, and interviews with my own Circle of Influence. We’ll make bespoke recommendations about what you need so you can dive into the most meaningful trainings for where you’re at.
Client Discounts
The option to purchase any of the other programs in the Swift Ventures suite for 30% off the usual rate.
Many of our clients choose to stay with us for up to years at a time. You will be given the option to re-sign and continue on once the 6 months is complete.
As well as…
Bonus Access To The Abundant Ads Academy
I’ve engaged a partnership with the person who has generated us the very best ads results in my time in business – Jayne Day. I’m talking the lowest cost and highest quality leads you’ve ever seen.
As a client of mine, you get bonus access to the Abundant Ads Academy – the membership where you receive ongoing, done-with-you ads support.
No more worrying about how to set up, run or optimise your Facebook™ and Instagram™ Ads. You get daily support from someone running ads every single day with some of the best coaches, creatives and consultants in the space.

Attendance at A Full Day In Person Mastermind Experience at an insanely discounted rate
Retreats for 2025 will be hosted in Perth and Melbourne.
Melbourne Thursday 6 March 2025.
Perth Friday 12 September 2025.

My business had been growing consistently over the past few years, but I knew this was a time to expand and up level.
Ellie has an incredible capacity to hold space for the group while supporting each of us individually with such grace and in depth expertise. I never expected to get SO MUCH support in those calls and found it game changing to also learn from the questions of everyone else.
I had the most successful six-months in my business. I saved £10k for my maternity pot (meeting my goal), I had a fully booked group program, fully-booked out my 1:1 coaching, I launched 2 courses in 6 months and created one additional evergreen program.
It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself & my business. And the results are pretty much immediate.
Just thank you. For everything. You have made this time (pre maternity leave) even more expansive and special than I thought possible!

I achieved so much more than the reason I signed up.
I really loved the support and accountability, and Ellie’s ideas and vibe and I feel like she believes in me and my business possibly even more than I do.
I had my biggest sales month ever of $88k, as well as my biggest sales day ever of $11k. I also had my biggest revenue month ever!
I am truly feeling like a CEO. We have better organisation, better systems, better staff. I feel in control and also like I can open myself up to days off and even longer periods of time off and the business can survive.
I’ve created better boundaries with myself, biz partner (husband) and staff and clients.
I would recommend working with Ellie, 100% YES!!!!!!

My business grew from $0 to $65k in one month within the 6 month duration of the Mastermind.
This mastermind is the gold standard! I found it to be transformational for my business and myself in so many ways.
The information is generous and bespoke. You always know you’re not alone and are supported through the ups and the downs that every business has.
I’m so very thankful that I chose to invest in the Mastermind before I even made a cent in my business. What you learn and where you grow to, gives it back in spades – the confidence this mastermind gave me is invaluable.
The Scalable Freedom Mastermind was created, gratefully, upon client request.
I’d been running Swiftmind – my sold out mastermind, now retired, that helped people build to 6 figures – for 3 years and had clients come through multiple times.
After clients experienced the results of building 6 figure businesses they asked, “what’s next?” I knew I needed to create a ‘next tier’ mastermind. One that specifically supported my clients who are experiencing ‘6 figure challenges’ and ready to scale to multi six figures and above.
This is the exact Mastermind I personally wish I’d had when I was at this level of business, and ready to build to a million dollars and beyond.
The Coaching, Creative & Consulting Space Is Ever-changing. That’s why the select few people I engage are those with me in the trenches, who are committed to bringing you the very best, most up to date recommendations.
Speaking of, here’s the creds of myself and my Co-Coach:
The Official 411 on Ellie
Ellie Swift is a Business Coach & Mastermind Mentor for 6 and 7 figure coaches, creatives and consultants creating scalable freedom™️.
As an ex corporate marketer turned CEO, 7-Figure Business Coach for coaches, creatives and consultants, and program creator of The Mastermind Model, Ellie uses her signature Scalable Freedom Method® within her mastermind programs. She also teaches how to create scalable and valuable masterminds through her program, The Mastermind Model™.
Ellie spent a decade working in marketing in London, Sydney, and Perth, achieving her goal of Head of Marketing Strategy by the age of 28 before making the transition into her business. She has built a 7-figure business in 5 years and has supported her clients as they’ve built 6, multi 6 and 7-figure businesses, created six and multi-five figure launches, tripled their income and completely transformed their businesses (and lives!) using mindset, marketing & strategy.
Ellie’s mission is to support coaches, creatives and consultants off the hamster wheel of time and stress, by building scalable businesses that generate results for their clients and create the freedom they most want.
Ellie is a Certified Life Coach, has a degree in Mass Communications, and has been featured in a range of media, including Success Magazine, Medium, Mamamia, Thrive Global, Smart Company, The West Australian and as a guest on more than 100 podcasts.
Nivek Harrison is the Online Business Manager, and the owner & founder of The Virtual Chapter: a virtual support agency serving coaches & creatives to take care of the behind-the-scenes operations of online business.
Through her combined skills and unique approach to project management & team leadership, Nivek helps service-based business owners create systems and structure in their business so they can show up and serve their clients in a deeper way (and get back a whole bunch of time while doing it).
The Virtual Chapter is now a multi-six figure agency with a team of 8, and serves clients globally. Through their team model, Nivek and The Virtual Chapter have supported countless clients from business launch through to 7-figures. Her in-depth knowledge of systems, tech and operations means she is able to guide business owners to create an easeful and scalable business model.
Nivek has also been Online Business Manager for Swift Ventures for 5+ years, and Co-Coach for 2+ years. Her strengths include her ability to discern the exact next steps for clients to scale simply and sustainably.

I launched a brand new program and generated $50k in revenue from the first launch, hitting my stretch goal. This program has been profitable from day 1, and I have big plans to keep growing it which looks promising!!This wasn’t something I thought possible, but Ellie expanded my vision to create something that I COULD scale in this season with a baby and a toddler, crafting something that would both support my clients and not burn me out by being really intentional about the support, team and structure of the offer.
I’ve been working with Ellie for years and I know she gets me and the direction I want business to go. I’m not starting from scratch each conversation with coaches who don’t know your business.
I love this program and have no plans to leave.

I had been looking for a mastermind for quite a while. I wanted to be part of something that was intimate and bespoke for me and my business.
I loved the fact that Ellie knew my business intimately and would strategise specifically for me and where I was at with my business.
I went from earning $70k in my first year of running my mastermind, to $90k in the first quarter of this year. I also had a 75% retention rate from my first round to the second.
The support and input from the community was great.There is a level of understanding shared within the group that every single person on the call is striving to deliver their best to their clients. The patience, shared ideas and support towards each other is unwavering.
I have found it to be incredibly beneficial to get momentum in my business and see faster growth.
Thank you Ellie, for creating a safe and supportive space for women to feel more confident while scaling their business.

I had my first easeful launch (that was also my biggest), I hired 2 superstar team members, and my income is growing every quarter!
The level of access to Ellie (and Niv) and they way Ellie coaches is second to none. I’ve had many coaches but I’ve never coached with anyone who’s as skilled in holding a group/person in their entirety and also all the different facets of business as Ellie is.
There’s been so much exciting growth in every aspect of my life and business over the past 6 months!

Imagine 6 Months From Now You Are:
Focused on one scalable offer in your business that means you get to help your clients get the best possible results and you get to hone your time on the work that matters most and moves the needle forward
Generating multi 5 figures of recurring income each month – you’ve gotten rid of the scarcity you felt at the start of every month because you know you have great money coming in consistently, and you simply get to keep building on that
Working way less in your business because you’re only focused on the strategic actions that help you get results, and you’ve outsourced anything else not in your zone of genius to your small but mighty team
Consistently profitable because you’re clear on the strategy that gets results, and not wasting money investing in anything that doesn’t contribute to your long-term vision and endgame
Celebrating with your clients who keep getting incredible results again & again
At peace, you’re spending quality time with your kids, and loving the spaciousness you feel of getting to enjoy a beautiful personal life coupled with a fulfilling and impactful professional life
Investment & Start Date
I want you to succeed, and I want to help you to make it happen. Let’s do this.
Pay in AUD
$300 AUD
6 x $2450 AUD
(Monthly Instalments)
Total of $15,000 for a 6 month mastermind, with first option to re-sign.
Start dates now available for Q2 and Q3 2025.
You also join what one client recently described as “the best group of coaches, consultants and creatives on the internet.” My clients are warm, fun, kind, driven and motivated to succeed. They’re generous, supportive and fast implementers.
If that’s you too, right this way.
The Questions I’m Always Asked,
So That You Don’t Need To Guess
(Click to expand)
How much access do I get to Ellie?
In short: a lot. I’m knee-deep in my mastermind every day, both personally and through conversations with team too. I’m in the Slack channel every day Monday – Friday at least once, you get 2 1:1 calls with me, and then we’re also on 3 calls a month together.
I also personally draft your Success Plan and set your strategy with you, so I know exactly what you’re working on. It’s reflected back to us constantly that our clients have no idea how we keep so up to date with our clients in such a deep way! (I’ll tell you the secret though, it’s very good note taking!!!)
How much support do I get that’s PERSONALISED?
It’s all personalised – even down to the modules that we’ll direct you to. I don’t believe in cookie cutter approaches when it comes to business. Sure, there’s foundational principles that apply to everyone and a process to succeed, but we make everything tailored to you, your goals and your business.
What time are the group coaching calls?
This is the practical question I get asked the most (fair too).
We’ve set up 3 different call options to suit all timezones.
You get to choose from one of the following:
Call Option 1: Tuesdays 11am AWST
Call Option 2: Wednesdays 3pm AWST
Call Option 3: Thursdays 7.30am AWST
What results can I expect?
Our client results have spanned everything from first 7 figures in their business, $80-150k launches, signing clients every single week, filling out masterminds and group programs, raising prices and becoming fully booked.
Growing aligned micro teams, creating new scalable offers, shifting business direction and creating new messaging.
And the overflow into their lives – freeing up more time to spend with family, creating more spaciousness, being deeply connected to their work again and feeling peaceful. There’s a freedom that comes from scale, and the biggest wins are often feeling more ‘free’ in the ways that are most important for my clients (whether that be through financial freedom, time freedom, location freedom – or all of the above).
How do I know if it’s the right time to do this Mastermind?
This is right for you if you’re earning $100k per year in revenue already and wanting to scale to $500k – $1M and experience more financial and time freedom.
How active is the Slack Channel?
I just counted the last week at the time of writing this (Nov 2024) and we’ve averaged 8 messages per day in the coaching channel for the last week, 2 per day in the general thread and at the start of the week we had 12 in the accountability channel. I can’t remember a single day in the last 12 months where there wasn’t discussion, and its been reflected back by clients in the past that this is the most active mastermind group they’ve been in.
Earnings Disclaimer: The information published on this website regarding results, income, earnings, business profits or personal financial status is for informational purposes only. The information may provide real-life examples of possible outcomes, which are in no way guarantees of what will occur in your specific situation. Your business and financial outcomes depend on many factors including but not limited to your level of personal responsibility, commitment, and abilities, in addition to those factors that you and/or Company may not be able to anticipate. You agree that Company is not responsible for your success, or lack thereof.