Come inside the behind the scenes of my 7-figure business where I pull back the curtain on the launch strategy, mindset and marketing that resulted in over half a million dollar mastermind launch.

When I first started my mastermind 3.5 years ago, I had no idea that it would be the catalyst to the insane growth of my business.

Almost overnight I went from working 60 hour weeks to 20 hour weeks. All the while my clients were suddenly getting even better results because of the transformative power of being in the room with like minded, inspiring people that encouraged them to grow.

I’ve since gone on to coach hundreds of women across 3 mastermind programs, and what I know is that masterminds are THE best way to scale your business, both for your own growth AND your client results. 

Come inside a recent launch that resulted in over half a million dollars, and has allowed me to do things like buy my dream home. I’ll take you through the process that created these results.

Come inside the behind the scenes of my 7-figure business where I pull back the curtain on the launch strategy, mindset and marketing that resulted in over half a million dollar mastermind launch.

When I first started my mastermind 3.5 years ago, I had no idea that it would be the catalyst to the insane growth of my business.

Almost overnight I went from working 60 hour weeks to 20 hour weeks. All the while my clients were suddenly getting even better results because of the transformative power of being in the room with like minded, inspiring people that encouraged them to grow.

I’ve since gone on to coach hundreds of women across 3 mastermind programs, and what I know is that masterminds are THE best way to scale your business, both for your own growth AND your client results. 

Come inside a recent launch that resulted in over half a million dollars, and has allowed me to do things like buy my dream home. I’ll take you through the process that created these results.

In this playbook I’ll take you through:


All the launch figures: The process of how this launch came to be, the revenue, waitlist figures, number of sign-ups, team structure and more. This matters to you because you can steal the strategy, structure and figures you need to fill your mastermind.


The strategy: From pre-launch to cart open, I take you through the process and intention behind selling out this launch so that you can create a strategy for your next launch.


The mindset: My masterminds always sell out. I share the mindset tools, hacks and processes that mean I can show up in full trust and abundance throughout the launch process, that you can steal to have similar results.


The marketing: I share the content and email marketing strategy we used, along with the EXACT email templates I shared (these templates alone are worth downloading this playbook 100-times over!) This will help make it even easier for you to get real results, faster.

Do you want to learn how to create, launch and market a mastermind that generates rave reviews, clients that re-sign & creates multi 6 & 7 figures in revenue?

This Playbook is for you if:

You already run a mastermind or group program and would love to attract more clients

You have a business and have considered starting a mastermind or group program but have no. darn. idea where to start

You aren’t currently considering groups or masterminds as you’re just working one-to-one with clients right now, but you would love to know more about the process 

You love taking a little behind the scenes glance inside other businesses (who doesn’t 😉 )


Hi, I’m Ellie!

I’m a Mastermind Mentor + Business Coach for high-performing women ready to build soul-led, intentional and profitable businesses online.

Using my signature Swift Marketing Method®, I help coaches, creatives & consultants connect with their customers, shine online, and create life-changing results (for both themselves & their clients).

I spent a decade working in marketing in London, Sydney, and Perth, achieving m my goal of Head of Marketing Strategy by the age of 28 before making the transition into my business. I’ve built a 7-figure business in 5 years and have supported my clients as they’ve built 6, multi 6 and 7-figure businesses, created six and multi-five figure launches, tripled their income and completely transformed their businesses (and lives!) using mindset, marketing & strategy.

My mission is to support soul-led women to experience the scalable freedom they dream of through entrepreneurship.


Earnings Disclaimer: The information published on this website regarding results, income, earnings, business profits or personal financial status is for informational purposes only. The information may provide real-life examples of possible outcomes, which are in no way guarantees of what will occur in your specific situation. Your business and financial outcomes depend on many factors including but not limited to your level of personal responsibility, commitment, and abilities, in addition to those factors that you and/or Swift Ventures Pty Ltd may not be able to anticipate. You agree that Swift Ventures Pty Ltd is not responsible for your success, or lack thereof.