and abundant


Come inside the behind the scenes of my 7-figure business where I pull back the curtain on the launch strategy, mindset and marketing that resulted in over half a million dollar mastermind launch.

It’s time to create, expand & scale your online business.

Are you ready to step up and serve at your highest potential?

Do you constantly think about how incredible it would be to work with amazing clients and build the business of your dreams?

Have you always had that inner knowing that you were made for more?

Hey there, I’m Ellie

Marketing & Mindset Coach, Entrepreneur, International Speaker and believer that the glass is always half full. I’ve spent my life knowing I wanted to show up, serve and shine in a bigger way. You know exactly what I’m talking about, don’t you?

My life changed when I left my fancy corporate day-job with a big dream and a knowing that running my own business was the only way forward. I invested my time, energy and heart into my company – Swift Ventures – and through the power of online marketing strategy, social media and mindset, I built it to a multi-six figure business in under two years.

These days I spend my time serving incredible women like you to build heart-driven, intentional and abundant online businesses using the Swift Marketing Method.


I believe that it’s women like YOU that the world needs more of, and it’s a disservice for you NOT to share your incredible talents and gifts with the world.

I’ve supported hundreds of go-getter coaches, creatives and consultants up the ante in their businesses and lives.

More visibility.

More clients.

More income.

Your way.

Want to experience more of this for yourself?

The Swift Marketing Mastermind

Want to experience more of this for yourself?

Here’s the programs to get you there

No matter where you’re at on your journey, my signature programs will help you create and scale the business you dream of. Get ready for more freedom, impact and income.

Here’s the programs to get you there

No matter where you’re at on your journey, my signature programs will help you create and scale the business you dream of. Get ready for more freedom, impact and income.

Shine Online with

Ellie Swift Podcast

The inspirational stories and strategies of how Ellie and her guests have built incredible businesses online, their way. From visibility tips through to mindset hacks, marketing strategy and more, this is the podcast where you’ll learn from the smartest online business creators across the globe.

success stories

Intentional & Abundant Results

Ellie helped me solidify and expand my 6 figure online coaching business

Creating content and teaching comes so easily to me which naturally makes it my favourite part of business. Marketing? Not so much my strong point. I knew that if I was to give my vision the wings that it deserved, then I needed to team up with Ellie.

Ellie was the missing link between the vision in my heart of what I knew was possible with this launch, and the HOW in making it become a reality. As Ellie brought her signature blend of strategic and soulful, focused and fun to the table, she helped me see that marketing your message could be done without losing the heart and soul of your work, only amplifying it.

Ellie absolutely over-delivered on my expectations in every way through her extensive knowledge, creative ideas, problem solving and incredible support and cheering me on throughout my launch period. I felt supported and equipped to undergo my biggest launch in my business to date, and my business (and life) has completely changed from our short time working together, which has only deepened my desire to aim higher to make an even bigger impact.

I’m so grateful, and so excited for the next time I get to team up and work some marketing magic with Ellie again in the future 

Tracey Spencer

Author, Podcaster and Founder of the Lightworkers Academy

Truly….what Ellie Swift doesn’t know about marketing is not actually worth knowing!
She is whip smart in all things social and combines this incredible knowledge with a lot of heart and soul on how best to use it to inspire and attract clients. Everything that Ellie does in the realm of marketing is worth following and actioning. You couldn’t learn from anyone better.

Julie Parker

Founder, Beautiful You Coaching Academy

When I started with Ellie, I had been feeling really burnout around showing up online and marketing my business, where I’d once felt quite bright around it. I realized through our sessions that I’d outgrown my old strategies, systems and team as my business had grown.

What I loved the most is how down to business we got. Ellie helped me come back into alignment with my true values, the reasons why I love sharing my business, and create a marketing strategy that felt really aligned to the season I was currently in. Ellie also supported me to see I needed to get the right people on my team as I scaled.

My programs are now starting to sell out before public launch due to being in my zone of genius 100% of the time. My team and systems are in place so that I can do what I’m here to do best; which is to be the visionary and coach and CEO of my company. I’m on track now to more than double my yearly income, in a year of pandemics, political uprising and unrest, which is really exciting. I’m feeling so much more ease and clarity.

I highly recommend working with Ellie, whether you’re just beginning or needing an upper-level scaling strategy, highly recommend working with Ellie. It has been such a pleasure. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Madison Morrigan

Life Coach, Creative Consultant, Speaker