The Swift Marketing Mastermind,
The Swift Inner Circle,
the Swift Mindset Method,
Soulful Sequences, and
other courses for online entrepreneurs.


The Swift Marketing Mastermind™, The Swift Inner Circle, the Swift Mindset Method™, Soulful Sequences, and other courses for online entrepreneurs.

LEADER IN:Marketing Strategy, Business Growth, Mindset, Online Launches, Selling on Social and Personal Branding.

Hi there beauty,

I’m Ellie.

I was born and raised in Western Australia, and always knew that I wanted to great a BIG impact that transcended my small town roots.

Through my sell-out programs and fully-booked coaching, I help service-based business owners connect with their customers, shine online, and create life-changing results (for both themselves & their clients).

I’ve spent more than a decade working in marketing, and now use my signature Swift Marketing Method to help you grow anything you want online.

But how did I get here?

 I used to be really good at being a high-achiever in systems, structures and parallel worlds that didn’t quite agree with me. I was especially good at ‘climbing’ the career ladder and completely forgetting about enjoying the journey along the way.

Until I reached a point where I realised no amount of career wins – not even becoming Head of Marketing Strategy, which I did at the age of 28 – was going to satisfy a deeper soul yearning that I had for a different type of life. I craved a career where I was hitting the pillow at night feeling like I’d made an actual difference in peoples’ lives.

But I grappled with the idea that I couldn’t possibly wish for more. I had an incredible man (now my husband), great family, friends, home and stable job. As my desire for a different type of life increased, so did my guilt that I was surely being too greedy and ungrateful.

But at the same time, my anxiety was off the charts. My sleep non-existent. My unhappiness ever-increasing. I took myself to the frayed edges of burnout before I was able to reach that pivotal realisation (which, for the record, isn’t a story I ever want for you. But if you’re in it, know that there’s another way).

I began a coaching certification with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy, and soon my evenings and weekends were full with life coaching clients. I took what I knew from my decade in marketing and deep understanding of mindset work and implemented it in my own business, with incredible results. My coaching books started filling fast with incredible humans.

But I quickly discovered they wanted more from me than straight-up life coaching. At this point I’d spent 10 years working throughout the UK and Australia with clients that spanned start-ups through to multi-national companies, and I knew a thing or two about how to build a business (especially given my specialism in digital marketing).

So I quickly pivoted the way I worked – at that stage 1:1 with clients – to also offer business coaching. Something I learnt early on is that most people didn’t get the results I did when they started their coaching business, and that I was onto something. It’s because of this that I’ve since created an entire method that I use to help other women create what I have – The Swift Marketing Method.

Over the last three years

of working full-time in my business,

I’ve experienced some incredible results.

Taking the biz to six-figures in less than 12months after leaving corporate

Scaling to multi-six figures in under 2 years (including a $110,000 launch in the 2nd year)

Created a life I always dreamed of where I work from home (peppering in daily ocean swims!) and travel whenever I want

And even more than this, I’m proud that I’ve supported my clients to:

Hit their first $5k, $10k, $20k months...even up to $50k!

Launch group programs that have reached up to $80,000 in sales

Create six-figure businesses that have completely changed their lives (I’m talking single mums who have been able to create choice in their lives, clients who have retired their partners, and those that have been able to give back with ease

I’ve generated these results by recognising that it’s the combined power of mindset and strategic marketing that has changed the game for me and my clients, which I teach through the Swift Marketing Method.

This is the place for you to stick around if…

You have big dreams for yourself and your clients. You want to rise to insane heights, and take those around you right on up with you.

You want to earn great money and create an incredible impact, and you’re willing to go all-in to get there.

You don’t want to run yourself into the ground and work 60+ hour weeks (we’re all about smart strategy around here!)

I share this with you so that you can recognise what’s possible when you trust yourself and your inner-knowing enough to go all in on your dreams.

If I had stayed in that “good enough” job I know I wouldn’t have the life, freedom and finances I have now.

You truly CAN create a heart-driven and intentional online business. And I SO want that for you, beautiful woman.

I can’t wait to support you,

Ellie xo

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My professional bio

Ellie Swift is a Business Mentor for high-performing women who are ready to build soul-led, intentional and profitable online businesses.

Using her signature Swift Marketing Method, Ellie helps coaches, creatives & consultants connect with their customers, shine online, and create life-changing results (for both themselves & their clients).

Ellie spent a decade working in marketing in London, Sydney, and Perth, achieving her goal of Head of Marketing Strategy by the age of 28 before making the transition into her business. She has built a 7-figure business in 3 years and has supported her clients as they’ve built 6, multi 6 and 7-figure businesses, created six and multi-five figure launches, tripled their income and completely transformed their businesses (and lives!) through both mindset and marketing.

Ellie’s mission is to support soul-led women to experience the lives they dream of through entrepreneurship.

Ellie’s Background


Former Team Lead, Marketing Strategy at Clarity Communications 2016, 2017


Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications (Public Relations and Journalism)


Internationally Certified with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy


Current Beautiful You Coaching Academy Trainer


Trainee of the Jeff Walker Product Launch Formula


Featured in inspired COACH, Startup Smart, roooar Magazine, The West Australian and more.