The podcast to  CONNECT   with your clients, create life-changing  RESULTS  in your business &  SHINE  neon-bright online.

My Biggest Mindset Hack in Business (It’s Not What You Think) with special guest Lacey Sites

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You may not know this yet about me, but something that’s really important to me is knowing the numbers. Now, I know what you might be thinking: talking numbers is boring! But before you press the skip button, I promise you – you’re going to get so much out of this episode as we dive into some really interesting facts on the power of data in business. 

Today, I’m joined by the amazing Lacey Sites. Lacey is not only my incredible business coach, but co-CEO of Datable, a company that helps business owners get this invaluable information of their data in a real-time, automated way.

In my business, we use Datable’s free tools for all of our launches, to extract all the data and help us continue to up level. Knowing our numbers helps us make smarter decisions, save time and increase our profitability.

In this conversation, we’re exploring the biggest mindset hack that supports me and my business strategy. Lacey will also share some epic client examples of how analysing data and tweaking things accordingly can help boost numbers and leverage sales in a fast, efficient way. 

Conversion Rates vs Traffic

We’re told again and again that increasing traffic is the key to success. However, Lacey assures us that traffic is not the most impactful factor in a business’s success. Instead, she suggests focusing on conversion rates and ensuring that potential customers are converting at a decent percentage. By analysing the data and identifying areas for improvement, entrepreneurs can optimise their sales processes and increase their profitability without solely relying on increasing traffic.

Data as an Antidote to a Negative Mindset

While it can sound rather dry, data can actually provide us with a powerful tool to combat negative mindset patterns. By having access to accurate and up-to-date data, business owners can make decisions based on facts rather than emotions or any limiting beliefs they might have. Lacey shares a powerful story about one of her clients who broke through her self-doubt simply by understanding and working with her numbers. 

Using Data to Guide Your Decisions

As business owners, it’s important that we’re strongly connected to our intuition. Lacey and I discuss how intuition can often be tied to logic, and how recognising this can support us to make the right decisions in our businesses. Lacey emphasises that knowing all the information – which includes the data – is where our power lies, and a place we can make good, logical choices from. 

The process Lacey and her team have created to track and analyse data has completely revolutionised the way I run my business, and I encourage you to click the links below so that you can get on your way to scaling your business and in turn, creating the most time and financial freedom possible.



Datable Workshop Slides

Connect with Lacey:

Instagram: @getdatable


Connect with Ellie: 


Instagram:     @elliehswift

Facebook Group:

Ellie Swift Podcast - Business and Mindset Coach

Ellie Swift is a Mindset & Marketing Coach and International Speaker for high-performing women who are ready to build heart-driven, intentional and abundant online businesses.

Using her signature Swift Marketing Method, Ellie helps service-based business owners connect with their customers, shine online, and create life-changing results (for both themselves & their clients).

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